Lyrics [Alexandros] – ワンテンポ遅れたMonster ain’t dead (One-Tempo Okureta Monster ain’t dead) 歌詞
Singer: [Alexandros]
Title: ワンテンポ遅れたMonster ain’t dead (One-Tempo Okureta Monster ain’t dead)
Do you know?
How I felt
Romaji Lyrics 歌詞 English Translation
Lyrics [Alexandros] – ワンテンポ遅れたMonster ain’t dead (One-Tempo Okureta Monster ain’t dead) 歌詞
Singer: [Alexandros]
Title: ワンテンポ遅れたMonster ain’t dead (One-Tempo Okureta Monster ain’t dead)
Do you know?
How I felt
Lyrics [Alexandros] – Travel 歌詞
Singer: [Alexandros]
Title: Travel
There to be here and
Here to be there
Lyrics [Alexandros] – This Is Teenage 歌詞
Singer: [Alexandros]
Title: This Is Teenage
Sing me song of hope
No despair of future light
Lyrics [Alexandros] – I want u to love me 歌詞
Singer: [Alexandros]
Title: I want u to love me
Lyrics [Alexandros] – ? 歌詞
Singer: [Alexandros]
Title: ?
I’m gonna be there
But I don’t know where